// MassBuilderSaveTool // Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Guillaume Jacquemin // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include #include "../UESaveFile/Types/ArrayProperty.h" #include "../UESaveFile/Types/ByteProperty.h" #include "../UESaveFile/Types/GenericStructProperty.h" #include "../UESaveFile/Types/IntProperty.h" #include "../UESaveFile/Types/StringProperty.h" #include "../UESaveFile/Types/VectorStructProperty.h" #include "Mass.h" using namespace Containers::Literals; auto Mass::armourParts() -> Containers::ArrayView { return _armour.parts; } void Mass::getArmourParts() { auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); if(!unit_data) { Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find unit data in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } auto armour_array = unit_data->at("Armor_10_12E266C44116DDAF57E99ABB575A4B3C"_s); if(!armour_array) { Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find the armour parts array in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } if(armour_array->items.size() != _armour.parts.size()) { Utility::Error{} << "Armour arrays are not of the same size. Expected" << _armour.parts.size() << Utility::Debug::nospace << ", got" << armour_array->items.size() << "instead."; _state = State::Invalid; return; } for(UnsignedInt i = 0; i < armour_array->items.size(); i++) { auto part_prop = armour_array->at(i); auto& part = _armour.parts[i]; auto& armour_slot = part_prop->at("Slot_3_408BA56F4C9605C7E805CF91B642249C"_s)->enumValue; #define c(enumerator, strenum, name) if(armour_slot == (strenum)) { part.slot = ArmourSlot::enumerator; } else #include "../Maps/ArmourSlots.hpp" #undef c { _state = State::Invalid; Utility::Warning{} << "Invalid armour slot enum value in getArmourParts()."_s; } part.id = part_prop->at("ID_5_ACD101864D3481DE96EDACACC09BDD25"_s)->value; auto part_styles = part_prop->at("Styles_47_3E31870441DFD7DB8BEE5C85C26B365B"_s); if(!part_styles) { Utility::Error{} << "Part styles not found for part number" << i << "in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } if(part_styles->items.size() != part.styles.size()) { Utility::Error{} << "Part style arrays are not of the same size. Expected" << part.styles.size() << Utility::Debug::nospace << ", got" << part_styles->items.size() << "instead."; _state = State::Invalid; return; } for(UnsignedInt j = 0; j < part_styles->items.size(); j++) { part.styles[j] = part_styles->at(j)->value; } auto decals_array = part_prop->at("Decals_42_F358794A4F18497970F56BA9627D3603"_s); if(!decals_array) { Utility::Error{} << "Part decals not found for part number" << i << "in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } part.decals = Containers::Array{decals_array->items.size()}; getDecals(part.decals, decals_array); auto accs_array = part_prop->at("Accessories_52_D902DD4241FA0050C2529596255153F3"_s); if(!accs_array) { Utility::Error{} << "Part accessories not found for part number" << i << "in" << _filename; part.accessories = Containers::Array{}; continue; } if(part.accessories.size() != accs_array->items.size()) { part.accessories = Containers::Array{accs_array->items.size()}; } getAccessories(part.accessories, accs_array); } } auto Mass::writeArmourPart(ArmourSlot slot) -> bool { auto& part = *std::find_if(_armour.parts.begin(), _armour.parts.end(), [&slot](const ArmourPart& part){ return slot == part.slot; }); auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); auto armour_array = unit_data->at("Armor_10_12E266C44116DDAF57E99ABB575A4B3C"_s); Containers::StringView slot_str = nullptr; switch(slot) { #define c(enumerator, strenum, name) case ArmourSlot::enumerator: \ slot_str = strenum; \ break; #include "../Maps/ArmourSlots.hpp" #undef c } GenericStructProperty* part_prop = nullptr; for(UnsignedInt i = 0; i < armour_array->items.size(); i++) { part_prop = armour_array->at(i); if(slot_str != part_prop->at("Slot_3_408BA56F4C9605C7E805CF91B642249C"_s)->value) { part_prop = nullptr; } } if(!part_prop) { auto prefix = "Couldn't find the armour part for slot "_s; switch(slot) { #define c(enumerator, strenum, name) case ArmourSlot::enumerator: \ _lastError = prefix + "ArmourSlot::" #enumerator "."_s; \ break; #include "../Maps/ArmourSlots.hpp" #undef c } return false; } part_prop->at("ID_5_ACD101864D3481DE96EDACACC09BDD25"_s)->value = part.id; auto part_styles = part_prop->at("Styles_47_3E31870441DFD7DB8BEE5C85C26B365B"_s); for(UnsignedInt i = 0; i < part.styles.size(); i++) { part_styles->at(i)->value = part.styles[i]; } auto decals_array = part_prop->at("Decals_42_F358794A4F18497970F56BA9627D3603"_s); writeDecals(part.decals, decals_array); if(part.accessories.size() != 0) { auto accs_array = part_prop->at("Accessories_52_D902DD4241FA0050C2529596255153F3"_s); writeAccessories(part.accessories, accs_array); } if(!_mass->saveToFile()) { _lastError = _mass->lastError(); return false; } return true; } auto Mass::bulletLauncherAttachmentStyle() -> BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle& { return _armour.blAttachmentStyle; } auto Mass::bulletLauncherAttachments() -> Containers::ArrayView { return _armour.blAttachment; } void Mass::getBulletLauncherAttachments() { auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); if(!unit_data) { Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find unit data in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } auto attach_style_prop = unit_data->at("WeaponBLAttachmentStyle_65_5943FCE8406F18D2C3F69285EB23A699"_s); auto attach_array = unit_data->at("WeaponBLAttachment_61_442D08F547510A4CEE1501BBAF297BA0"_s); if(!attach_style_prop && !attach_array) { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::NotFound; return; } if(attach_style_prop && !attach_array) { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::NotFound; Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find bullet launcher attachments in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } if(attach_array->items.size() == _weapons.bulletLaunchers.size() && attach_array->items.size() == _armour.blAttachment.size()) { for(UnsignedInt i = 0; i < attach_array->items.size(); i++) { auto attachment_prop = attach_array->at(i); auto& attachment = _armour.blAttachment[i]; Containers::StringView socket = attachment_prop->at("Socket_9_B9DBF30D4A1F0032A2BE2F8B342B35A9"_s)->value; #define c(enumerator, strenum, name) if(socket == (strenum)) { attachment.socket = BulletLauncherSocket::enumerator; } else #include "../Maps/BulletLauncherSockets.hpp" #undef c { Utility::Error{} << "Invalid BL attachment socket."; _state = State::Invalid; return; } auto rel_loc_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeLocation_10_2F6E75DF4C40622658340E9A22D38B02"_s); attachment.relativeLocation = Vector3{rel_loc_prop->x, rel_loc_prop->y, rel_loc_prop->z}; auto off_loc_prop = attachment_prop->at("OffsetLocation_11_F42B3DA3436948FF85752DB33722382F"_s); attachment.offsetLocation = Vector3{off_loc_prop->x, off_loc_prop->y, off_loc_prop->z}; auto rel_rot_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeRotation_12_578140464621245132CFF2A2AD85E735"_s); attachment.relativeRotation = Vector3{rel_rot_prop->x, rel_rot_prop->y, rel_rot_prop->z}; auto off_rot_prop = attachment_prop->at("OffsetRotation_13_B5980BCD47905D842D1490A1A520B064"_s); attachment.offsetRotation = Vector3{off_rot_prop->x, off_rot_prop->y, off_rot_prop->z}; auto rel_scale_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeScale_16_37BC80EF42699F79533F7AA7B3094E38"_s); attachment.relativeScale = Vector3{rel_scale_prop->x, rel_scale_prop->y, rel_scale_prop->z}; } } if(attach_style_prop) { Containers::StringView attach_style = attach_style_prop->enumValue; #define c(enumerator, strenum) if(attach_style == (strenum)) { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::enumerator; } else #include "../Maps/BulletLauncherAttachmentStyles.hpp" #undef c { Utility::Error{} << "Unknown BL attachment style enumerator."; } } else { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::ActiveOne; } } auto Mass::writeBulletLauncherAttachments() -> bool { auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); if(!unit_data) { _state = State::Invalid; _lastError = "No unit data in " + _filename; return false; } auto attach_style_prop = unit_data->at("WeaponBLAttachmentStyle_65_5943FCE8406F18D2C3F69285EB23A699"_s); auto attach_array = unit_data->at("WeaponBLAttachment_61_442D08F547510A4CEE1501BBAF297BA0"_s); if(!attach_style_prop && !attach_array) { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::NotFound; _lastError = "No attachment properties to write to in " + _filename; return false; } if(attach_style_prop && !attach_array) { _armour.blAttachmentStyle = BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::NotFound; _state = State::Invalid; _lastError = "Couldn't find the attachments in " + _filename; return false; } if(attach_array->items.size() == _weapons.bulletLaunchers.size() && attach_array->items.size() == _armour.blAttachment.size()) { for(UnsignedInt i = 0; i < attach_array->items.size(); i++) { auto attachment_prop = attach_array->at(i); auto& attachment = _armour.blAttachment[i]; auto& socket = attachment_prop->at("Socket_9_B9DBF30D4A1F0032A2BE2F8B342B35A9"_s)->value; switch(attachment.socket) { #define c(enumerator, strenum, name) case BulletLauncherSocket::enumerator: socket = strenum; break; #include "../Maps/BulletLauncherSockets.hpp" #undef c default: _lastError = "Invalid socket type."_s; return false; } auto rel_loc_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeLocation_10_2F6E75DF4C40622658340E9A22D38B02"_s); rel_loc_prop->x = attachment.relativeLocation.x(); rel_loc_prop->y = attachment.relativeLocation.y(); rel_loc_prop->z = attachment.relativeLocation.z(); auto off_loc_prop = attachment_prop->at("OffsetLocation_11_F42B3DA3436948FF85752DB33722382F"_s); off_loc_prop->x = attachment.offsetLocation.x(); off_loc_prop->y = attachment.offsetLocation.y(); off_loc_prop->z = attachment.offsetLocation.z(); auto rel_rot_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeRotation_12_578140464621245132CFF2A2AD85E735"_s); rel_rot_prop->x = attachment.relativeRotation.x(); rel_rot_prop->y = attachment.relativeRotation.y(); rel_rot_prop->z = attachment.relativeRotation.z(); auto off_rot_prop = attachment_prop->at("OffsetRotation_13_B5980BCD47905D842D1490A1A520B064"_s); off_rot_prop->x = attachment.offsetRotation.x(); off_rot_prop->y = attachment.offsetRotation.y(); off_rot_prop->z = attachment.offsetRotation.z(); auto rel_scale_prop = attachment_prop->at("RelativeScale_16_37BC80EF42699F79533F7AA7B3094E38"_s); rel_scale_prop->x = attachment.relativeScale.x(); rel_scale_prop->y = attachment.relativeScale.y(); rel_scale_prop->z = attachment.relativeScale.z(); } } if(!attach_style_prop) { attach_style_prop = new ByteProperty; attach_style_prop->name.emplace("WeaponBLAttachmentStyle_65_5943FCE8406F18D2C3F69285EB23A699"_s); attach_style_prop->enumType = "enuBLAttachmentStyle"_s; ByteProperty::ptr prop{attach_style_prop}; arrayAppend(unit_data->properties, std::move(prop)); } auto& attach_style = attach_style_prop->enumValue; switch(_armour.blAttachmentStyle) { #define c(enumerator, strenum) case BulletLauncherAttachmentStyle::enumerator: \ attach_style = strenum; \ break; #include "../Maps/BulletLauncherAttachmentStyles.hpp" #undef c default: _lastError = "Unknown BL attachment style."; return false; } if(!_mass->saveToFile()) { _lastError = _mass->lastError(); return false; } return true; } auto Mass::armourCustomStyles() -> Containers::ArrayView { return _armour.customStyles; } void Mass::getArmourCustomStyles() { auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); if(!unit_data) { Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find unit data in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } auto armour_styles = unit_data->at("ArmorStyle_42_E2F6AC3647788CB366BD469B3B7E899E"_s); if(!armour_styles) { Utility::Error{} << "Couldn't find custom armour styles in" << _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return; } if(armour_styles->items.size() != _armour.customStyles.size()) { Utility::Error{} << "Custom armour style arrays are not of the same size. Expected" << _armour.customStyles.size() << Utility::Debug::nospace << ", got" << armour_styles->items.size() << "instead."; _state = State::Invalid; return; } getCustomStyles(_armour.customStyles, armour_styles); } auto Mass::writeArmourCustomStyle(UnsignedLong index) -> bool { if(index > _armour.customStyles.size()) { _lastError = "Style index out of range."_s; return false; } auto unit_data = _mass->at("UnitData"_s); if(!unit_data) { _state = State::Invalid; _lastError = "Couldn't find unit data in "_s + _filename; return false; } auto armour_styles = unit_data->at("ArmorStyle_42_E2F6AC3647788CB366BD469B3B7E899E"_s); if(!armour_styles) { _lastError = "Couldn't find armour custom styles in "_s + _filename; _state = State::Invalid; return false; } return writeCustomStyle(_armour.customStyles[index], index, armour_styles); }