diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 99de847..924db5f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ PC (SDL, offline rendering, terminal): - **Perspective correction**, 3 modes: none (linear only), full (per-pixel), approximation (per-N-pixels). - **Different drawing strategies** to choose from: none, z-buffer (none, full, reduced), triangle sorting (back-to-front, fron-to-back with stencil buffer). - Triangles provide **barycentric coordinates**, thanks to which practically anything that can be achieved with OpenGL can be achieved (texturing, shading, normal-mapping, texture fitering, transparency, PBR, shadow mapping, MIP mapping, ...). +- **Top-left rasterization rule**, pixels of adjacent triangles don't overlap or have holes (just like in OpenGL). - **Tested on multiple platforms** (PC, Pokitto, Gamebuino META). - **Many compile-time options** to tune the performance vs quality. - **Similar to OpenGL** in principle, but simpler, easier to use, with higher-level features.