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// wxMASSManager
// Copyright (C) 2020 Guillaume Jacquemin
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <Corrade/version.h>
#error This application requires Corrade 2020.06 or later to build.
#include <algorithm>
#include <Corrade/Containers/Array.h>
#include <Corrade/Utility/Directory.h>
#include <Corrade/Utility/FormatStl.h>
#include <Corrade/Utility/String.h>
#include <wx/wfstream.h>
#include <wx/zipstrm.h>
#include "Profile.h"
constexpr char company_name_locator[] = "CompanyName\0\x0c\0\0\0StrProperty";
constexpr char active_slot_locator[] = "ActiveFrameSlot\0\x0c\0\0\0IntProperty";
constexpr char credits_locator[] = "Credit\0\x0c\0\0\0IntProperty";
constexpr char story_progress_locator[] = "StoryProgress\0\x0c\0\0\0IntProperty";
constexpr char last_mission_id_locator[] = "LastMissionID\0\x0c\0\0\0IntProperty";
using namespace Corrade;
Profile::Profile(const std::string& path) {
auto map = Utility::Directory::mapRead(path);
if(!map) {
_lastError = "Couldn't memory-map " + Utility::Directory::filename(path);
_profileDirectory = Utility::Directory::path(path);
_filename = Utility::Directory::filename(path);
if(Utility::String::beginsWith(_filename, "Demo")) {
_type = ProfileType::Demo;
else {
_type = ProfileType::FullGame;
_steamId = Utility::String::ltrim(Utility::String::rtrim(_filename, ".sav"), (_type == ProfileType::Demo ? "Demo" : "") + std::string{"Profile"});
auto it = std::search(map.begin(), map.end(), &company_name_locator[0], &company_name_locator[27]);
if(it == map.end()) {
_lastError = "Couldn't find a company name in " + _filename;
_companyName = std::string{it + 41};
_valid = true;
auto Profile::valid() const -> bool {
return _valid;
auto Profile::lastError() const -> std::string const& {
return _lastError;
auto Profile::filename() const -> std::string const& {
return _filename;
auto Profile::type() const -> ProfileType {
return _type;
auto Profile::steamId() const -> std::string const& {
return _steamId;
auto Profile::companyName() const -> std::string const& {
return _companyName;
auto Profile::getCompanyName() -> std::string const& {
auto mmap = Utility::Directory::mapRead(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto it = std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &company_name_locator[0], &company_name_locator[27]);
if(it == mmap.end()) {
_lastError = "Couldn't find a company name in " + _filename;
_companyName = "";
else {
_companyName = std::string{it + 41};
return _companyName;
auto Profile::renameCompany(const std::string& new_name) -> bool {
char length_difference = static_cast<char>(_companyName.length() - new_name.length());
std::string profile_data = Utility::Directory::readString(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto iter = std::search(profile_data.begin(), profile_data.end(), &company_name_locator[0], &company_name_locator[27]);
if(iter != profile_data.end()) {
*(iter + 0x1C) = *(iter + 0x1C) - length_difference;
*(iter + 0x25) = *(iter + 0x25) - length_difference;
while(*(iter + 0x29) != '\0') {
profile_data.erase(iter + 0x29);
profile_data.insert(iter + 0x29, new_name.cbegin(), new_name.cend());
if(!Utility::Directory::writeString(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename), profile_data)) {
_lastError = "The file" + _filename + " couldn't be written to.";
return false;
_companyName = new_name;
return true;
else {
_lastError = "Couldn't find the company name in " + _filename;
return false;
auto Profile::activeFrameSlot() const -> std::int8_t {
return _activeFrameSlot;
auto Profile::getActiveFrameSlot() -> std::int8_t {
auto mmap = Utility::Directory::mapRead(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto iter = std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &active_slot_locator[0], &active_slot_locator[31]);
if(iter == mmap.end()) {
if(std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &credits_locator[0], &credits_locator[22]) != mmap.end()) {
_activeFrameSlot = 0;
else {
_lastError = "The profile save seems to be corrupted or the game didn't release the handle on the file.";
_activeFrameSlot = -1;
else {
_activeFrameSlot = *(iter + 41);
return _activeFrameSlot;
auto Profile::credits() const -> std::int32_t {
return _credits;
auto Profile::getCredits() -> std::int32_t {
auto mmap = Utility::Directory::mapRead(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto iter = std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &credits_locator[0], &credits_locator[22]);
if(iter != mmap.end()) {
_credits = *reinterpret_cast<const std::int32_t*>(iter + 0x20);
_lastError = "The profile save seems to be corrupted or the game didn't release the handle on the file.";
_credits = -1;
return _credits;
auto Profile::storyProgress() const -> std::int32_t {
return _storyProgress;
auto Profile::getStoryProgress() -> std::int32_t {
auto mmap = Utility::Directory::mapRead(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto iter = std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &story_progress_locator[0], &story_progress_locator[29]);
if(iter != mmap.end()) {
_storyProgress = *reinterpret_cast<const std::int32_t*>(iter + 0x26);
_lastError = "The profile save seems to be corrupted or the game didn't release the handle on the file.";
_storyProgress = -1;
return _storyProgress;
auto Profile::lastMissionId() const -> std::int32_t {
return _lastMissionId;
auto Profile::getLastMissionId() -> std::int32_t {
auto mmap = Utility::Directory::mapRead(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename));
auto iter = std::search(mmap.begin(), mmap.end(), &last_mission_id_locator[0], &last_mission_id_locator[29]);
if(iter != mmap.end()) {
_lastMissionId = *reinterpret_cast<const std::int32_t*>(iter + 0x26);
_lastError = "The profile save seems to be corrupted or the game didn't release the handle on the file.";
_lastMissionId = -1;
return _lastMissionId;
auto Profile::backup(const std::string& filename) -> bool {
if(filename.empty() || (filename.length() < 5 && !Utility::String::endsWith(filename, ".zip"))) {
_lastError = "Invalid filename " + filename + " in Profile::backup()";
return false;
if(Utility::Directory::exists(filename)) {
if(!Utility::Directory::rm(filename)) {
_lastError = "Couldn't overwrite " + filename + " in Profile::backup()";
wxFFileOutputStream out{filename};
wxZipOutputStream zip{out};
wxFFileInputStream profile_stream{Utility::Directory::toNativeSeparators(Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, _filename)), "rb"};
for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
std::string unit_file = Utility::Directory::join(_profileDirectory, Utility::formatString("{}Unit{:.2d}{}.sav", _type == ProfileType::Demo ? "Demo" : "", i, _steamId));
if(Utility::Directory::exists(unit_file)) {
wxFFileInputStream unit_stream{Utility::Directory::toNativeSeparators(unit_file)};
return true;