This is more consistent with WeaponPart, which designates a part of the full weapon.
215 lines
6.1 KiB
215 lines
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#pragma once
// MassBuilderSaveTool
// Copyright (C) 2021 Guillaume Jacquemin
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <string>
#include <Corrade/Containers/Optional.h>
#include <Corrade/Containers/Pointer.h>
#include <Corrade/Containers/StaticArray.h>
#include <Magnum/Magnum.h>
#include <Magnum/Math/Color.h>
#include <Magnum/Math/Vector2.h>
#include <Magnum/Math/Vector3.h>
#include "../UESaveFile/UESaveFile.h"
using namespace Corrade;
using namespace Magnum;
struct Joints {
Float neck = 0.0f;
Float body = 0.0f;
Float shoulders = 0.0f;
Float hips = 0.0f;
Float upperArms = 0.0f;
Float lowerArms = 0.0f;
Float upperLegs = 0.0f;
Float lowerLegs = 0.0f;
struct CustomStyle {
std::string name;
Color4 colour{0.0f};
Float metallic = 0.0f;
Float gloss = 0.0f;
bool glow = false;
Int patternId = 0;
Float opacity = 0.5f;
Vector2 offset{0.0f};
Float rotation = 0.0f;
Float scale = 1.0f;
struct Decal {
Int id = -1;
Color4 colour{0.0f};
Vector3 position{0.0f};
Vector3 uAxis{0.0f};
Vector3 vAxis{0.0f};
Vector2 offset{0.5f};
Float scale = 0.5f;
Float rotation = 0.0f;
bool flip = false;
bool wrap = false;
struct Accessory {
Int attachIndex = -1;
Int id = -1;
Containers::StaticArray<2, Int> styles{ValueInit};
Vector3 relativePosition{0.0f};
Vector3 relativePositionOffset{0.0f};
Vector3 relativeRotation{0.0f};
Vector3 relativeRotationOffset{0.0f};
Vector3 localScale{1.0f};
struct ArmourPart {
std::string slot;
Int id = 0;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Int> styles{ValueInit};
Containers::StaticArray<8, Decal> decals{ValueInit};
Containers::StaticArray<8, Accessory> accessories{ValueInit};
struct WeaponPart {
Int id = 0;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Int> styles{ValueInit};
Containers::StaticArray<8, Decal> decals{ValueInit};
Containers::StaticArray<8, Accessory> accessories{ValueInit};
struct Weapon {
std::string name;
std::string type;
Containers::Array<WeaponPart> parts;
Containers::StaticArray<16, CustomStyle> customStyles{ValueInit};
bool attached = false;
std::string damageType;
bool dualWield = false;
std::string effectColourMode;
Color4 effectColour{0.0f};
class Mass {
enum class State : UnsignedByte {
Empty, Invalid, Valid
explicit Mass(const std::string& path);
Mass(const Mass&) = delete;
Mass& operator=(const Mass&) = delete;
Mass(Mass&&) = default;
Mass& operator=(Mass&&) = default;
static auto lastError() -> std::string const&;
static auto getNameFromFile(const std::string& path) -> Containers::Optional<std::string>;
void refreshValues();
auto filename() -> std::string const&;
auto name() -> Containers::Optional<std::string> const&;
auto setName(std::string new_name) -> bool;
auto state() -> State;
auto dirty() const -> bool;
void setDirty(bool dirty = true);
auto jointSliders() const -> Joints const&;
auto setSliders(Joints joints) -> bool;
auto frameStyles() -> Containers::StaticArrayView<4, Int>;
auto setFrameStyle(Int index, Int style_id) -> bool;
auto eyeFlareColour() const -> Color4 const&;
auto setEyeFlareColour(Color4 new_colour) -> bool;
auto frameCustomStyles() -> Containers::StaticArrayView<16, CustomStyle>;
auto setFrameCustomStyle(CustomStyle style, UnsignedLong index) -> bool;
auto armourCustomStyles() -> Containers::StaticArrayView<16, CustomStyle>;
auto setArmourCustomStyle(CustomStyle style, UnsignedLong index) -> bool;
auto globalStyles() -> Containers::StaticArrayView<16, CustomStyle>;
auto setGlobalStyle(CustomStyle style, UnsignedLong index) -> bool;
auto updateSteamId(const std::string& steam_id) -> bool;
auto setCustomStyle(const CustomStyle& style, UnsignedLong index, const char* prop_name) -> bool;
Containers::Optional<UESaveFile> _mass;
static std::string _lastError;
std::string _folder;
std::string _filename;
State _state = State::Empty;
bool _dirty = false;
Containers::Optional<std::string> _name = Containers::NullOpt;
struct {
Joints joints{};
Containers::StaticArray<4, Int> styles{ValueInit};
Color4 eyeFlare{0.0f};
Containers::StaticArray<16, CustomStyle> customStyles;
} _frame;
struct {
Containers::StaticArray<38, ArmourPart> parts;
Containers::StaticArray<16, CustomStyle> customStyles;
} _armour;
struct {
Containers::StaticArray<8, Weapon> meleeWeapons;
Containers::StaticArray<1, Weapon> shields;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Weapon> bulletShooters;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Weapon> energyShooters;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Weapon> bulletLaunchers;
Containers::StaticArray<4, Weapon> energyLaunchers;
} _weapons;
Containers::StaticArray<16, CustomStyle> _globalStyles;
struct {
Int engineId;
Containers::StaticArray<7, Int> gearIds;
Int osId;
Containers::StaticArray<7, Int> moduleIds;
Int archId;
Containers::StaticArray<7, Int> techIds;
} _tuning;
std::string _steamId;